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"Ignota" in white, stylized text on a dark background.

Ignota is incredibly grateful to our earliest supporters for their help in getting this ensemble off the ground.  Your support at this early stage helps us to fund publicity materials and to compensate our performers as we prepare our first program.  By making a one-time or recurring donation, you are joining Ignota's "Inner Circle" of supporters who make our work possible.

Thank you to our supporters!

Anchor - supporters

Thank You to Our Supporters!

Ignota is extremely grateful for the support of the following individuals and granting organizations.

Lucy Wigan
Michael Evans
Joan E. Hall
Shirley Rosenfeld
Jamie Lennon
Kathleen Gormanshaw
Dorinda Courtine-White
Sean Miller
Lauren Rossato
Carol O'Leary
Brett McCoy
Jane Pattison

​Matthew Mole
Andy Gibson
Peter Henley
Mike Mallinson
Raul Medellin
Eric Mauer

Anayte Delahay
Mark Cudek
Katie Cerveny
Sharon Davis
Cary Dier
Rachael Stein
Shane Kennedy

​Jonna Bernstein
Jennifer Friedman
Keylan Qazzaz
David Yardley
Conner Craig
Emilysue Reichardt
Christine Stuermer
Katie Hoptiak
Bill Ernoehazy
Cindy Watkins
Bethany Rowlings
Harper Tobin
Wendy Colbert

A portion of the Maryland state flag, with the text "DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, MSAC, maryland state arts council."

Thank you MSAC! To discover more about the Maryland State Arts Council and how they impact Maryland, visit

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